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Reading the Body &
Clinical Skills Immersion
with Margi Flint 

3-Day In-Person Herbal Learning Immersion

November 8, 9, 10, 2024 at Bethel Horizons Retreat Center 

in Dodgeville, Wisconsin

What does it mean to be in good practice? 

Learning solid clinical skills including healthy boundaries, taking the timeline, intake question ideas, and thoughts for being the best practitioner possible sets a solid foundation for your practice and builds client confidence.  


We will explore the incredibly empowering practice of Drop-Pulse testing. Clients love this testing, for they are directly involved in the process.  Your client joins their energies with the herbs to sense a response. It is a great way to narrow down the herbal choices and find the ones most suited to the individual. We will test tinctures, as well as dried and fresh herbs to sense responses. 


  • What do your thinning eyebrows mean?  

  • Why is there a crease in your earlobe? 

  • What does webbing between your toes mean? 


Knowing what the body has to say, we can learn how to prevent illness before it arrives as well as treating what is here.  Each color, line and marking on the face, tongue and nails holds meaning of your internal health. Margi will explain and demonstrate diagnostic techniques learned from the late William LeSassier and observed on clients over her forty-plus years in practice.


In this Immersion you will learn:

  • Diagnostic techniques for assessing the internal state of the body using external cues

  • How to interpret facial indications that show the health of the organs and organ systems

  • How to assess tissue color

  • How to identify energetic signs of hot, cold, damp, and dry conditions

  • How to interpret the mysteries of fingernail patterns

  • How to read the tongue

  • Elimination analysis and how it correlates to the internal state of health

  • How to read the body and the Indications of Three

  • Organ and body correspondences 

  • Constitutional Body Types i.e. doshas and compliance

  • Pulse diagnostics/Drop Pulse Testing


This immersion will consist of both lecture and hands-on learning with ample opportunity for questions to understand what your body is saying to you.


Please arrive makeup and nail polish free!


Both experienced and beginner herbalists will find great benefit from this immersion!

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Purchase Margi's Book in advance

The Practicing Herbalist

The 4th edition of Margi’s Book The Practicing Herbalist is available for purchase now. Shipped to your home or picked up at the Immersion.


  • Ordered online shipped directly to your home in the US is $191


  • The cost of the book shipped to the conference, pre-ordered by October 26, 2024 is $180. Contact sending your mailing address, phone number so that we can ship at case costs. Pick up your book and have it inscribed at the Immersion.

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Meet Margi Flint, Practicing Herbalist, Teacher, RH, HM

Margi Flint owns and operates EarthSong Herbals, in Marblehead MA.  Her filters of wisdom include over twenty years of labor coaching, polarity therapy, forty-plus years herbal practice and showing her etchings nationally and internationally. She supervised herbal clinics, practical hands-on training, for over twenty years.


Margi has lectured at nationally known herbal seminars including The New England Women's Herbal Conference, Green Nations Gathering, The American Herbalists Guild Symposium, The International Herb Symposium, The Great Lakes Herb Faire, and the Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference.  She has taught the knowledge of herbs at health lectures including local hospitals, the Visiting Nurses Association, the Connecticut Midwives, & numerous public and private organizations.  She loves to teach.   


Adjunct Professor Flint taught Herbal Approaches to Treating Organ Systems to third year medical students at Tufts University School of Medicine for six years. In addition, she taught a four-week rotation in clinical herbal medicine for Fourth year medical students and practitioners at Union Hospital and her clinic in Marblehead. She taught Herbal Pharmacology at North Shore Community College and guest lectures regularly at Massachusetts College of Pharmacology, Bastyr University, and Pacific Rim College in BC.


She is now hired to lecture on advanced clinical studies including the work of her mentor, the late William LeSassier. She is author of the The Practicing Herbalist meeting with clients ~ reading the body now in the fourth edition. The plants and her clients are her revered teachers.  She is retired from active practice, focusing now on teaching and writing.  She is heading up the publication of William LeSassier’s life work and needs help.  So much for retirement! Other than the joy of teaching Margi is focused on having more fun.

Weekend Schedule
Please note schedule may change.

Thursday, November 7

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Check In 


Friday , November 8

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Check In

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Breakfast

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Session with Margi Flint

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch/Break

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Session with Margi Flint

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Dinner

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Evening Activity - Film showing: The Sorceress 


Saturday, November 9

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Breakfast

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Session with Margi Flint 

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch/Break

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Session with Margi Flint

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Dinner

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Evening Activity - Lotion Making with Linda Conroy

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Evening Activity - Tea, Snacks, and Visiting


Sunday, November 10

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Breakfast

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Session with Margi Flint

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch/Break

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Session with Margi Flint

4:45 PM - 5:15 PM: Closing/Departure

Pricing & Registration

November 8, 9, 10, 2024 at Bethel Horizons in Dodgeville, WI


$875 for 3 nights in shared lodging:

Thursday pm arrival includes Lodging Thursday through Saturday and meals Friday Breakfast through Sunday Lunch


$796 for 2 nights in shared lodging:

Friday am arrival includes Lodging Friday and Saturday, meals Friday Lunch through Sunday Lunch

$725 as a Commuter (you provide your own lodging):

Includes Friday Lunch through Sunday Lunch

A limited number of private rooms are available upon request. Please email for pricing and availability.

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